March 2022 Leader of the Month - Yogi Christie Rochette

Stories from the Courts
Blog Post

“Christie’s dedication to our kids is evident every day. She uses yoga and mindfulness discussions to help our players grow both as individuals and as an AK group. 


She constantly adjusts her work to the level and abilities of 6-14 yr olds. Her interactions with parents before and after sessions reinforces their trust in what we do. I really look forward to how she will help us grow this year.”

-Kent Hemingway

Not only is Christie dedicated and talented, she is also an incredibly hard working human. She personally delivers Advantage Kids yoga + meditation to every single program in the Mount Washington Valley area, usually five days per week year round. 

Whether she is outside at Purity Springs resort teaching kids to ground their energy into the earth with bare feet on the grass, or inside at Freedom Elementary encouraging them to roar like lions and discover their personal power, Christie teaches with contagious enthusiasm.

She is a champion for Advantage Kids off the mat, too, introducing us to new contacts, finding resources to benefit the organization, and sharing our good work on social media. We couldn’t have asked for a more dynamic yogi, and the Mount Washington Valley is fortunate to have her all to themselves!
