Evangeline - Success from the Courts

Stories from the Courts
Blog Post

Focused. Determined. An amazing role model.

Evangeline from the Advantage Kids Greater Nashua Boys and Girls Club/Longfellow crew stands taller than most.  In more ways than one….she is a true leader.

As the kids prepare for Tennis Plus yoga practice they take off their shoes, find a mat and settle into sitting quietly. As the room quiets, there are continued giggles and chatter amongst friends. It has been a long day at school. Energies are still bursting.  BUT Evangeline knows why they are there...to get the most out of the opportunity they have been given. They are 14 kids chosen from the entire Boys and Girls Club to take part in this unique and rewarding program. Evangeline is serious and wants everyone to be able to fully participate uninterrupted for the fullest experience. The kids follow her lead with obvious respect. She and others drift peacefully into mediation.

“On the tennis court, she is the kind that if she got out there and had a 2:1 ratio she would go gangbusters on it.  She loved the ball machine...so focused. She has the potential. She is putting in the hard work. She is always so upbeat and positive.  She is always helping other girls. She is a team leader without being assigned the role of team leader. She was one of the first girls starting in September at Boys and Girls Club when there were only 4 girls and has consistently shown up.” says her tennis coach Scott McDougald.

She earned the March Team Player of the Month award as evidenced by the unanimous vote by her peers.  Her name will hang and be displayed proudly on the Advantage Kids Team Player of the Month sign for years to come.  Way to go, Evangeline!

Player of the Month