Dawn Dragon, Executive Director


Dawn Dragon, Executive Director

Dawn Dragon, Executive Director


Meet Dawn Dragon, the passionate and dedicated Executive Director of Advantage Kids. Her unwavering commitment to impacting today's youth with thoughtful intention is the driving force behind her pursuit of excellence in all matters AK.

Dawn's personal experience with the transformative power of tennis on her adopted son's life is what motivates her to create opportunities for all children to learn the game and believe in themselves both on and off the court. Her compassion extends beyond her own family to a belief that everyone needs help sometimes, and she sees building a strong foundation as key to flourishing in life. Before accepting her role as Executive Director, Dawn was an accountant and treasurer for Advantage Kids, as well as the President of a genetic disorder support group. Although she doesn't consider herself the best tennis player, she has a contagious enthusiasm for the sport and believes that "anyone can play! Tennis is a great quality of life!" With Dawn at the helm, Advantage Kids is sure to continue positively impacting young lives and promoting the universal message of Lokah Samastah Sukinho Bhavantu - "May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all."

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